Someday We'll Know...
till then, lets enjoy the ride together =)

My Gawd, the OBSCENITY!!

By Yeang.Yang.Young

i was randomly surfing the net to search for a 20x20 Rubik's cube

(for oral le, wanted it to be my invention... sooo, checking out me competition yo!)

the elusive and the ever awe inspiring creature of the deep, the mythical and mystical being whose existence has been a topic of debate for DAYS(=D), 20x20 Rubik's cube!!!
(yup, it DOESN'T exist, except in computer programs, figures, nobody's hands are THAT big XP)

EDIT : post inspired by CharmainE's post =)


But that's not the awesome thing i came across today.
Guess what "20x20" can also represent...

go on, guess =)






whatever you guessed, WRONG!!! =D
i clicked a link and it led me to a page where they were showing a 20x20 BURGER!!!

some of you may be wondering, 'what in the world is a 20x20 burger?? 20cm by 20 cm??'
well, turns out, it means you get 20 BURGER PATTIES, AND 20 slices of MOZZARELLA =)
(WOAH, eeww)

what's worse, that's NOT the worse thing i've seen today...



100x100 VERSION!!!

a 97 dollar, 19490 calorie monster, fit for about 10 friends to eat dinner and puke together =S

my gosh, that is gross

well, that's all from me today, and tune in regularly, for more interesting and compelling news. =)

yours truly,
YeanG.yang.young =D


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