Someday We'll Know...
till then, lets enjoy the ride together =)

He, She or It??

By Yeang.Yang.Young
A typical conversation between me and Charmaine...

Tema : Kesukaran dan kesulitan semasa mencari 'gender' sesuatu 'soft toy'...

Persoalan : Jenis-jenis jawapan pelik Charmaine XP

Watak : 1. Wong Tze Yeang
-"Godfather" Jelly

-Handsome =D

2. Charmaine
-sangat "straightforward"
-Ibu Jelly

-pelik-pelik =D

Synopsis :

Tze Yeang:
Hey, is Jelly a boy or girl???

i don't know, didn't you check when you bought it for me?

Tze Yeang:
I was kinda rushing at that time =/

its GAY, it has nothing down there...

Tze Yeang:
*bursts out in hysterical laughter*

Pengajaran: 1.I dont know... YOU tell me =D
2.Jangan tanya Charmaine soalan Pelik-pelik...


Eye God Tagged!?!

By Yeang.Yang.Young
Hey Ho, it seems that i'm getting into the tagging thing too XP

well, here goes nothing..

1. At what age do you wish to marry?

When i gain maturity.. GOD knows when *mwahahhaha*

2. Where will you go if someone sponsors you a tour ticket?
anywhere at all, surprise me =)
(juz make sure its friggin FIRST CLASS all the way)

3. What's your favourite thing to do?
to be with my friends =)

4. Do you think money can buy happiness?
money can buy SOME happy, but never enough happy=/

5. If you can have 1 dream to come true, what would it be?
to have ALL my dreams come true=)

6. Do you believe you can survive without money?
two words.


7. What are you afraid to lose most?
My Life
biologically, socially, spiritually familyandfriends-wise
(go ahead, call me greedy =D)

8. If you won $1 million, what would you do?
Rupee or Sterling pounds?
it makes a difference between
my dinner and my dinner on my private yatch in my private dock on my private island=D
(catch my drift?=D)

9. How would you describe your love?
The person?
i'll tell you as soon as im sure =)

10. List out 3 good points on the person who tagged you.
Charmaine - H.O.T (those 3 count?=)

J.oel R.yan - J.oker L.oving R.avishing XP

11. What are the requirements you wish from the other half
To love me as much as i do her =)

12. If you could rewind time would you?
To right the wrongs in my past? Nah, the mistakes i made defines me, who i am.

To see relive my joys? OVER.AND.OVER.AGAIN XP

13. What is your ambition?

To suceed, to love and to be loved, to find happiness(where are youuu?)

14. If you can teleport once, where will you go?
McD's, i feel like a Cornetto McFlurry right about now...

15. What do you think is the most important thing in your life?
its AN ACTUAL WORD, Belieeeeve me =D

kidding, i just cant decide, life may just lose all meaning if i missed one =/

16. If you could undo doing one mistake in the past, what would it be?
Deciding to hop on this chain of tags, i could go to McD's and get my MCFLURRY if i wasn't here now... *tummy grumbles*

17. If you have a chance, which part of your character would you like to change??
if i had to pick, how i lack ANY self esteem =/

18. Which music have you been listening to recently?
Miserable at Best by Mayday Parade.

19. If one day you couldn't do the things that you are used to doing now anymore, how would you feel?
i'd get a new thing to do,
Eg:cry coz i cant do things like i used to anymore?!? =/

20. What is the thing you want most now?
Right now? Cornetto McFlurry

Presently? To be happy all the time

This Decade? To finally meet her... =)


21. Who do i tag??
I quote miss Julia Chin,

"Wait. Everyone is tagged. Im too late! Im left with noone. Haha."


Mai Blog Nod Dead?!?

By Yeang.Yang.Young

rusty spelling aside, this is my first post in a LOOOOOOOOOONG while=)

quite frankly, i'm ashamed that i put off blogging for such a long time,
so if you're here,
THANKS fer caving in when i bug you to read my blog!!


so, since my recent tragic, sad, disastrous loss of my favorite camera not too long ago
(feels like an eternity apart :'()
i kinda lost all semangat to blog...

oh well, turns out EMO-ing doesn't revive the dead(camera=/)emo wall wants his camera back =(

so anyway , as quoted from the ever inspirational spongebob squarepants,
"i'm ready, I'M READY!!"


so, after being swamped by exams fer 2 weeks, what have learned, gained and benefited?

well, i tell you, i sure DONT feel any smarter... i kinda CRASHED AND BURNED during this exam season =(

i'll tell you, i got
  1. A new addiction for tv shows(HowIMetYourMother, TheSimpsons, OTH, TheOffice, Scrubs dan lain-lain-lain =D)
  2. A closet EMPTY of snacks
  3. A persistent urge to burn all my books
  4. Not enough sleep
  5. An EMO feeling coz i screwed my exams...(bye bye computer...)
  6. An empty tummy(right now, i'd settle for cookie CRUMBS)

oh well, it seems that this blog wont be seeing the light of day(again) soon enough... when my results come out...

but before then? i guess i get to blog away =)

The Chronicles of A School Drama...

By Yeang.Yang.Young
its me first long post for a while,
its my story of how we were triumphant in our inter-class drama =)


our blood, sweat, and 'drama'(of course) in our journey. =D


English week has came and gone...
in the process, we had debates, interesting speeches, public speaking, English trivia s, but the thing that made my week was the drama competition.

it was a fine Thursday morning when the Drama recruits were chosen.
i unsuspectingly, put my name on the piece of paper and let it pass my mind.
imagine my surprise when i was told that i got the role of (poor, pitiful) Loisel =D

so it began, the lines learning, drama practice, dance choreographing, *dan lain-lain*
i was dismayed that my character had lines(no small amount!!)
spent like hours memorizing all me lines.
[luckily i didn't forget any =D]
but we all had fun in the process=)

so, the day of the drama came...
we all assembled at the hall come the first bell.

Why, you ask?

to goof off of course=D

PG, 18PL, 18SX, 18SG, 18PA

Below is a series of photo's that may or may not offend, may or may not be copyrighted and may of may not contain you[not my fault if you;re not in =D]

Crazy Tribal Girl =D
[a little scary O.O]

So 'yeng'...

Agent Von!!!
(Vaughn =D)

psycho slasher - memang drama ppl...

.Darkness and Light.
.Evil VS Good.
[looks like 'Death Note' for some reason=D]

Evil Prevails XP


Evil Minister from the 50's!!!!

Fauzi, our balding jeweler =D
[i have your jewels O.o]





My Gawd, the OBSCENITY!!

By Yeang.Yang.Young

i was randomly surfing the net to search for a 20x20 Rubik's cube

(for oral le, wanted it to be my invention... sooo, checking out me competition yo!)

the elusive and the ever awe inspiring creature of the deep, the mythical and mystical being whose existence has been a topic of debate for DAYS(=D), 20x20 Rubik's cube!!!
(yup, it DOESN'T exist, except in computer programs, figures, nobody's hands are THAT big XP)

EDIT : post inspired by CharmainE's post =)


But that's not the awesome thing i came across today.
Guess what "20x20" can also represent...

go on, guess =)






whatever you guessed, WRONG!!! =D
i clicked a link and it led me to a page where they were showing a 20x20 BURGER!!!

some of you may be wondering, 'what in the world is a 20x20 burger?? 20cm by 20 cm??'
well, turns out, it means you get 20 BURGER PATTIES, AND 20 slices of MOZZARELLA =)
(WOAH, eeww)

what's worse, that's NOT the worse thing i've seen today...



100x100 VERSION!!!

a 97 dollar, 19490 calorie monster, fit for about 10 friends to eat dinner and puke together =S

my gosh, that is gross

well, that's all from me today, and tune in regularly, for more interesting and compelling news. =)

yours truly,
YeanG.yang.young =D


A new look??

By Yeang.Yang.Young

No idea what was going through my head when i drew this the other day but it kinda reminds me of a storybook i once read.

it was called "the little prince".
its such a beautiful story about a young innocent prince from a planet of far far away that is traveling the universe to earth only to learn the true meaning of life...
i cannot emphasize how beautiful the story is and i strongly recommend all you people who likes deep stories to read it
[and explain to me coz i cant understand =D]



By Yeang.Yang.Young
Happy misspelled on the card =D)

The party totally rawked, for you who weren't there, TOOH BADD

plenty of poserrr pics =D

Cake Time(it was GOOOD)

Anytime is a good time for a pic =D

(Blows Cakeeee ^^)

Cuts cakeee...

And there's time for TWISTER too =)
All Hail??

Bow Down to the Queens O.o


What's the deal with EMO??

By Yeang.Yang.Young

A soulful emotion or a pathetic state of mind of self pity and self hatred?
are EMO people depressed teens that willow in their sadness and curse their luck
just misunderstood yet artistic people who wants to be unique and choose to be alone??

who knows? and i dont care =D

From my point of view, the EMO culture has been introduced to me LOOONG LOOONG ago.
SO long, in fact i think i was still
learning to 'potty' on my own(kidding) when i was first introduced to it on tv...

Take for example

of "Winnie The Pooh"----------------------------

Other Popular EMO cartoons(It's an ACTUAL MOVIE, look)


Some say, ELMO had a long lost secret cousin, EMO
from that day onwards, Elmo changed... =(


Research has shown that EMO culture has been around since the 18th century


But ultimately, being EMO is nothing to laugh about
so please, LOVE your EMO friends, you never know =)

SO, you there(yes you), HUG AN EMO TODAY =)


(its kinda hard to hug a wall tho =D)


Whee, Another???

By Yeang.Yang.Young
Hey, guess what all, i created another blog!! =)

DON'T WORRY, THIS id the one i'll be updating most often ^^
(just visit ever so often to read too =D)

its just a bet i made to Yen that i COULD make my OWN layout and put a C-box in, so go over there and comment bout the layout pls =)

and tell Yen that she owes me lunch because it rocks!! =D

thank you =)


Aaah, The Horror!!! Movie-marathon, yay XP

By Yeang.Yang.Young
So, 5 days into the holidays, days feeling longer and longer?

Are YOU suffering from Bored-at-home-online-all-day syndrome?
Symptoms include:
  1. Compulsive need to check your friendster of facebook account every 29seconds
  2. Relentless butt scratching and nose picking(severe cases only)
  3. Repetitive urges to look in the fridge for something to eat even though you know there's nothing there you feel like eating
  4. Not being bothered that the only thing you can watch and are watching on tv now is weird reality shows(because of the darned writers strike).
  5. Actually reading this blog(just kidding, i love all you ppl reading this, tank yooooo =D)
If these sound something like you, you are BORED.Bored =O

Sooo, what does one do when he/she/it is bored?

crash your friends house at 8.45am just so that you can scratch your butt, look into their fridge and watch their tv(in my case, MOOOOOVIE =D)

so, today, at the ungodly hour of 8.30 am, i met up with sachin and went to yen's house to bug the sleepy gurl.

Thus, our movie marathon started.

during the course of our 9 HOUR marathon, we watched 4 movies in total.

the first 2 movies were great, except the pizza had to come when we were watching the graveyard scene, with all the corpses coming to life with maggots and creepy-crawlies on their skulls while blood is splattering everywhere.

eep, even a starving man would loose his appetite, but we still managed to finish both of our large pizza's(WOAH). Skinny ppl can EAT man =D

anyway, Sachin and i did have our own action adventure scene in real life in yen's house today.


Men of the battlefield...

Needless to say, the dog didn't like us over there, and it chased us around and round the table at least 15-20 times!!!

i guess we didn't only have a MOVIE marathon, but a running one too =S

*pant* *growl* *bark* *salivates*



All in all, it was a GREAT day

doesn't get much better than that =D