Someday We'll Know...
till then, lets enjoy the ride together =)

behold, world!!!

By Yeang.Yang.Young
its the day my life will be changed forever...

its the day i broke out of the shell of
boringness and embraced the air of creativity...

from this day onwards, I, HAVE, A, BLOG!!! =D

im sorry, i cant help but be melodramatic, but i really thought this day would never come.

i've always thought that a blog is a waste of time. i mean, if i had something to say, I'd say it to my friends straight, not write it out, post it on some site created by ppl with nothing to do, and hope that my friends visit it one day...

but the day came, the day i went to the dark side

Anyway, i hope you all visit regularly coz i promise to update regularly and try my best to not make you sleep everytime you visit =D

ciao =)


2 comments so far.

  1. Yen December 25, 2007 at 8:23 AM
    sounds emo ~.~
  2. charmaine December 27, 2007 at 1:27 AM
    count sheeps la! stars so hard to count, need to squint..

Something to say?