Someday We'll Know...
till then, lets enjoy the ride together =)

Whee, 2nd post =)

By Yeang.Yang.Young
Christmas is over ppl. boo =(
and that means school is reopening soon!!! Double boo =(

well, sweet days may be over but at least we will always have memories to comfort us yes?

so, how did you spend your holidays?

For me, its been an adventure of the stomach, to be frank.
makan here, makan there, makan everywhere(makan at "makan-makan restaurant" too =P)

its a wonder how i cant seem to put on any weight even though i want to =(

anyway, back to school yeah? back to busy studying schedules, tutions, piles of homework, pre-exam cram sessions, late nights studying, blahblahblah...

Can anyone say back-to school-blues =(

on the Bright Side, we'' be able to see the dear faces of all our cherished friends again =)
and we'll be able to sleep through classes, rant about teachers, curse about canteen food and, and, well, you get my point =)

i guess all we can really do is be positive always, look at the bright side, and let time do its thing yeah?

i hope you all had a wonderful holiday and(to my fellow 17 yr old's) are prepared for the SPM battle ahead =)

love,peace and rock 'n roll


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